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Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 1:15 am
by admin
DECEMBER 3, 2017: As promised, the last installment of DEEP PURPLE was posted and available for download.

The other news are not very nice nor optimistic, because recently I struggled very hard to post the entire my DEEP PURPLE featuring Lord & Blackmore collection, although for some time there were almost no donations that would support The Forum. Sad but true, at the moment out of more than 5,000 members just a few responded for an appeal for the donation. This happened before as well, but at the last moment we survived somehow, although it lasted for very short period each time. This time it is not the case.Right now, 2,3 or 5 new donations would not solve the problem, not even close, so don't bother yourself, but accept the sad fact. PR FORUM IS GOING DOWN AND IT IS INEVITABLE. PR Forum will stay as it is until all pre-payments with servers, MEGA etc. would expire and I have no idea how long that would last, probably a month or two. I have been thinking about making The Forum free again for the remaining period and my advice to anyone is to grab whatever they might need in the past. I am well aware that there is no other sharing site on The Net that would be even close to the volume of PR Forum, otherwise I would gladly recommend them.

This is definite and I would not enter any discussion about it, however good-willed and friendly.

In this period, if you would stumble upon some bad links, please report but add E-mail address that you really use, so I would send you the replacement files via WeTransfer, after MEGA would disable replacing the existing files and that would happen soon.

What to tell in the end but to paraphrase Dylsn: "I am sad as you are, seƱor".

Nothing else is on the way.

Yours truly

Pink Robert