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NICO & TANGERINE DREAM - Atmospherics A Notre-Dame

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 3:55 am
by admin

Cathedrale Notre-Dame, Reims, France
December 13, 1974
France Inter FM Radio broadcast

1. Janitor Of Lunacy
2. The falconer
3. Valley Of The Kings
4. The End
5. Abschied
6. Mutterlein
7. Frozen Warnings
8. You Forget To Answer
9. We've Got The Gold
10. No One Is There
11. Ari's Song
12. Atmospherics

Code: Select all

Compiled from a French FM radio broadcast and an audience recording

1. Janitor of Lunacy
2. The Falconer
3. Valley of the Kings
4. The End
5. Abschied
6. Mutterlein
7. Frozen Warnings
8. You Forget to Answer
9. We've Got the Gold
10. No One is There
11. Ari's Song (Encore)

Code: Select all
Nico - pump organ, vocals
Edgar Froese - keyboards
Christopher Franke - keyboards
Peter Baumann - keyboards