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THE BEACH BOYS - Smile Sessions: The Bycycle Rider Chronicles

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 4:30 pm
by admin

February 1966 - July 1967
Life's A Beach Vol. 25
Cork In The Ocean production
Thanks to DJole

CD 1:
FEBRUARY 17, 1966
1. Good Vibrations - Takes 1-14
2. Good Vibrations - Take 15
3. Good Vibrations - Take 16
4. Good Vibrations - Takes 17-23
5. Good Vibrations - Take 24
6. Good Vibrations - Insert Rehearsals
7. Good Vibrations - Takes 25-27
8. Good Vibrations - Take 28
9. Good Vibrations - Take 28 Overdub Take 21
10. Good Vibrations - Take 28 Overdub Take 1A
11. Good Vibrations -‘ Pet Sounds' Session Highlights
MARCH 3, 1966
12. Good Vibrations - Take 28 1st Verse Overdub Brian
13. Good Vibrations - Take 28 2nd Verse Overdub Brian
14. Good Vibrations - Take 28 Chorus Overdub Brian
15. Good Good Good Vibrations (First Version With Overdubs
APRIL 9, 1966
16. Good Vibrations - Take 1
17. Good Vibrations - Take 2
18. Good Vibrations - Takes 3 & 4
19. Good Vibrations - Takes 5-22

CD 2:
1. Good Vibrations - Take 23
2. Good Vibrations - Takes 24 & 25
3. Good Vibrations - Take 26
4. Good Vibrations - Stereo Mix Take 26
5. Good Vibrations - Sessions highlights
APRIL 1966
6. Jokes & Laughter - Psychedelic Talk
MAY 4, 1966
7. Good Vibrations - Part 3 Rehearsals
8. Good Vibrations - Part 3 Takes 5-7
9. Good Vibrations - Part 3 Take 8
10. Good Vibrations - First Chorus
11. Good Vibrations - Second Chorus & Fade
MAY 24, 1966
12. Good Vibrations - Part 3 Takes 1-5
13. Good Vibrations - Part 3 Takes 18-21
14. Good Vibrations - Part 2 1st Overdub Takes 1 & 2
15. Good Vibrations - Part 2 1st Overdub Take 8
16. Good Vibrations - Part 2 2nd Overdub Takes 1-3
MAY 24, 1966
17. Good Vibrations- Part 1
18. Good Vibrations- Parts 2 & 3
19. Good Vibrations- Part 4
MAY 27, 1966
20. Good Vibrations - Part 3 Rehearsals
21. Good Vibrations - Part 3 Rehearsals
22. Good Vibrations - Part 3 Takes 15-17

CD 3:
1. Good Vibrations - Part 4 Takes 1-8
2. Good Vibrations - Part 4 Take 9
3. Good Vibrations - Part 3 Rehearsals
4. Good Vibrations - Part 3 Takes 1 & 2
5. Good Vibrations - Part 3 Fuzz Bass Rehearsal
6. Good Vibrations - Part 3 Fuzz Bass Rehearsal
7. Good Vibrations - Part C
8. Good Vibrations - Chorus
9. Good Vibrations - Fade Sequence
JUNE 2, 1966
10. Good Vibrations - Part 4 Rehearsals
11. Good Vibrations - Part 4 Takes 1 & 2
JUNE 12, 1966
12. Good Vibrations (Inspiration) - Part 1
13. Good Vibrations (Inspiration) - Part 3
14. Good Vibrations (Inspiration) - Part 4 Bass
15. Good Vibrations (Inspiration) - Part 4
JUNE 16, 1966
16. Good Vibrations - Insert Rehearsals
17. Good Vibrations - Insert Rehearsals
18. Good Vibrations - Insert Rehearsals
19. Good Vibrations - Insert Rehearsals
20. Good Vibrations - Insert Rehearsal Take 27
21. Good Vibrations - Insert Rehearsals
22. Good Vibrations - Part 1
23. Good Vibrations - Part 2 Rehearsals
24. Good Vibrations - Part 2 Rehearsals
25. Good Vibrations - Part 2 Rehearsals
26. Good Vibrations - Part 2 Take 1
27. Good Vibrations - Part 2 Takes 2-4
28. Good Vibrations - Part 2 Take 5
29. Good Vibrations - Part 2 Take 6

CD 4:
1. Good Vibrations - Part 2 Take 7
2. Good Vibrations - Part 2 & Verse
3. Good Vibrations - Part 2 Continued
JUNE 18, 1966
4. Good Vibrations - Part 1 Rehearsals
5. Good Vibrations - Part 1 Takes 1-14
6. Good Vibrations - Part 1 Take 15
7. Good Vibrations - Part 2 Take 1
8. Good Vibrations - Part 2 Takes 2-7
9. Good Vibrations - Part 1
10. Good Vibrations - Part 2
AUGUST 3, 1966
11. Wind Chimes - Takes 1-3
12. Wind Chimes - Take 4
13. Wind Chimes - Take 5
14. Wind Chimes - Takes 6-7
15. Wind Chimes - Pick-up Takes 1-5
16. Wind Chimes - Takes 8-9
17. Wind Chimes - Early Version ending take 3 - mono
18. Wind Chimes - Ending Take 3 - 1st stereo source
19. Wind Chimes - Ending Take 3 - 2nd stereo source
20. Wind Chimes - Version 1
AUGUST 12, 1966
21. I Ran aka Look - Takes 1-2
22. I Ran aka Look - Take 3
23. I Ran aka Look - Takes 4-5
24. I Ran aka Look - Takes 6-13
25. I Ran aka Look - Takes 14-19
26. I Ran aka Look - Take 20 - 1st stereo source
27. I Ran aka Look - Take 20 - 2nd stereo source
28. I Ran aka Look - Linett 1988 Mix
29. I Ran aka Look - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono Mix

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CD 5:
1. Look (Song For Children)
AUGUST 24, 1966
2. Good Vibrations - Alternate Edit
AUGUST 25, 1966
3. Wonderful - Backing Track Mono
4. Wonderful - Version 1
5. Wonderful - Version 1 - track and backing vocals
6. Good Vibrations - New Bridge Takes 1 & 2
7. Good Vibrations - New Bridge Take 3
8. Good Vibrations - New Bridge Take 4
9. Good Vibrations - New Bridge Take 5
10. Good Vibrations - New Bridge Take 6
11. Good Vibrations - New Bridge Takes 7 & 8
12. Good Vibrations - New Bridge
13. Good Vibrations - New Harmonica Overdub
14. Good Vibrations - New St Vocal Overdub
15. Good Vibrations - New Nd Vocal Overdub
16. Good Vibrations - Free Jazz Improvisation
17. Good Vibrations - Bass Rehearsals
18. Good Vibrations - Bass Takes 1-5
19. Good Vibrations - Bass Takes 6-15
20. Good Vibrations - Persuasion)
21. Good Vibrations - Session Highlights
22. He Gives Speeches - Undubbed backing track
23. He Gives Speeches - Lead vocal overdub
24. He Gives Speeches - Backing vocal overdub
25. He Gives Speeches - Hand clap overdubs, finished mix
26. He Gives Speeches - Mono Mix
27. He Gives Speeches - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono Mix
28. Holidays - Takes 1-3
29. Holidays - Take 7
30. Holidays - Child Like Piano
31. Holidays - Sessions
32. Holidays - Linett 1988 mono mix
33. Holidays - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono Mix

CD 6:
SEPTEMBER 19, 1966
1. Our Prayer 'Dialog'
SEPTEMBER 21, 1966
2. Good Vibrations - Session Masters
3. Good Vibrations - stereo backing track)
4. Good Vibrations - Single Version Backing Track
5. Good Vibrations - Master Track with Partial Vocals
OCTOBER 3, 1966
6. Home On The Range aka Cabin Essence - Verse, Takes 1-12
7. Home On The Range aka Cabin Essence - Verse
8. Home On The Range aka Cabin Essence - Chorus 'Truck Drivin' Man', Takes 1-17
9. Home On The Range aka Cabin Essence - Chorus 'Truck Drivin' Man', Takes 18-23
10. Home On The Range aka Cabin Essence - Chorus 'Truck Drivin' Man'
11. Home On The Range aka Cabin Essence - Tag 'Grand Coulee Dam', Takes 1-5
12. Home On The Range aka Cabin Essence - Tag 'Grand Coulee Dam'
13. Home On The Range aka Cabin Essence - Verse Chorus, Mix 1
14. Home On The Range aka Cabin Essence - Verse Chorus, Mix 2
15. Home On The Range aka Cabin Essence - Verse Chorus, Mix 3
16. Home On The Range aka Cabin Essence - Verse Chorus, Mix 4
17. Home On The Range aka Cabin Essence - Verse Chorus, Mix 5
18. Home On The Range aka Cabin Essence - Backing Track Acetate
19. Home On The Range aka Cabin Essence - Track Assembly
20. Cabin Essence - Session Highlights and Stereo Backing Track

CD 7:
OCTOBER 4, 1966
1. Our Prayer - Sessions
2. Prayer - Unknown Takes
3. Our Prayer - Rough Mono Mix, Final
4. Our Prayer - Alternate Mono Mix with Cuts
5. Our Prayer - Final Mono Mix
6. Our Prayer - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono mix
7. Prayer - Stereo Mix
OCTOBER 5, 1966
8. Wind Chimes - Version 2
9. Wind Chimes - Re-recorded Take 23
10. Wind Chimes - Tag Remake, Unknown Take
11. Wind Chimes - Version 2 Tag
12. Wind Chimes - Track Assembly
OCTOBER 6, 1966
13. Wonderful - 1966 Mono Miz
14. Wonderful - Final Mono Mix
15. Wonderful - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono mix
OCTOBER 7, 1966
16. Child Is Father Of The Man - Session
17. Child Is Father Of The Man - Chorus, Takes 1-4
18. Child Is Father Of The Man - Chorus, Takes 5-7
19. Child Is Father Of The Man - Chorus, Take 8
20. Child Is Father Of The Man - Instrumental Chorus
21. Child Is Father Of The Man - Verse, Takes 1-10
22. Child Is Father Of The Man - piano and vocals
23. Child Is Father Of The Man - Version 1
OCTOBER 10, 1966
24. Good Vibrations - SP
25. Good Vibrations - Rarities Mix
26. Good Vibrations - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono mix
27. Wind Chimes - 1st Vocal Overdub
28. Wind Chimes - 2nd Vocal Overdub - Section 1
29. Wind Chimes - 2nd Vocal Overdub - Section 2
30. Wind Chimes - 2nd Vocal Overdub - Section 3
31. Wind Chimes - 2nd Vocal Overdub - Assembly

CD 8:
1. Wind Chimes - Track Assembly With Vocal
2. Wind Chimes - Mono Mix
3. Wind Chimes - Linett 1988 Mono mix
4. Wind Chimes - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono mix
5. Wind Chimes - Linett-Boyd 2011 Stereo mix
OCTOBER 11, 1966
6. Child Is Father Of The Man - Revised Version, Unknown Take
7. Child Is Father Of The Man - Bridge, Unknown Take
8. Child Is Father Of The Man - Instrumental Bridge
9. Child Is Father Of The Man - Revised Version, Backing Track Assembly
10. Child Is Father Of The Man - Version 2
OCTOBER 17, 1966
11. Vega-Tables - Cornucopia Takes 1-2, Mono Mix
12. Vega-Tables - Cornucopia Takes 1-2, Stereo Mix 1
13. Vega-Tables - Cornucopia Takes 1-2, Stereo Mix 2
14. Vega-Tables - Demo
OCTOBER 18, 1966
15. Do You Like Worms - Part 1, Take 22
16. Do You Like Worms - Part 1, Takes 23-24
17. Do You Like Worms - Part 1
18. Do You Like Worms - Part 2 Bicycle Rider, Take 14
19. Do You Like Worms - Part 2 Bicycle Rider, Take Unknown
20. Do You Like Worms - Part 2 Bicycle Rider
21. Do You Like Worms - Part 3, rehearsal final part
22. Do You Like Worms - Part 3
23. Do You Like Worms - Part 4 Bicycle Rider
24. Mama Says - Unknown Take, Vocal Session, Whistle Version, Mono
25. Mama Says - Unknown Take, Vocal Session, Whistle Version, Stereo
26. Brian's Smile Party - Mono Mix

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CD 9:
OCTOBER 20, 1966
1. Heroes and Villains - Part 1, Verse Rehearsal
2. Heroes and Villains - Part 1, Verse Take 1
3. Heroes and Villains - Part 1, Verse Take Unknown
4. Heroes and Villains - Part 1, Verse Take 4
5. Heroes And Villains - Part 1, Verse Mono Mix
6. Heroes And Villains - Part 1, Verse Alternate Mono Mix
7. Heroes And Villains - Barnyard
OCTOBER 22, 1966
8. Taxi Cabber - Chicago Taxicab - Tape Recording, Mono
OCTOBER 27, 1966
9. I'm In Great Shape - Take 1
10. I'm In Great Shape - Take 2
11. I'm In Great Shape - Take 3
12. I'm In Great Shape - Vocals
13. I'm In Great Shape - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono mix
14. Heroes And Villains - I’m In Great Shape
NOVEMBER 4, 1966
15. Heroes and Villains - ‘Humble Harv' Piano Demo Unedited
16. Heroes and Villains - ‘Humble Harv' Demo - Edited
17. Heroes And Villains - Piano Demo
18. Heroes and Villains - Barnyard (Acoustic Piano Demo with Vocal
19. Surf's Up - part 1, Session Excerpt
20. Surf's Up - unknown take
21. Surf’s Up - 1st Movement
22. Psycodelic Sounds - How's Your Foot
23. Psycodelic Sounds - Brian Falls In The Piano
24. Psycodelic Sounds - Michael Falls In
25. Psycodelic Sounds - Look It's Mary Poppins
26. Psycodelic Sounds - Brian Falls Into The Microphone
27. Psycodelic Sounds - You Just Wiped Out My Ear Drum
28. Psycodelic Sounds - Ice Cream Man's Good Vibrations
29. Psycodelic Sounds - Lifter, Leg and Poker
30. Psycodelic Sounds - It Was Brian In The Mic
31. Psycodelic Sounds - Gotta Have A Cabbage
32. Psycodelic Sounds - Prune Time
33. Psycodelic Sounds - Beets and Carrots
34. Psycodelic Sounds - That's Right, Vegetables
35. Psycodelic Sounds - Big Bag Of Vegetables
36. Psycodelic Sounds - Toot Toot Dot Dot
37. Psycodelic Sounds - Let's Talk About Swimming
38. Psycodelic Sounds - Side Stroke

CD 10:
1. Psycodelic Sounds - Swim-Swim
2. Psycodelic Sounds - Down On The Ocean Floor
3. Psycodelic Sounds - Breathing
4. Psycodelic Sounds - Torture
5. Basketball Sounds - Portable Tape Recording Mono
6. Bob Gordon's Real Trip - Mono Mix
7. Dick - Unmixed two-track tape, stereo, late 1966
NOVEMBER 7, 1966
8. Surf's Up - Part 1, percussion overdub, unknown takes
9. George Fell Into His French Horn - Session excerpt, unknown takes
10. Surf’s Up - Talking Horns
11. Surf's Up - Part 1, rough mono mix
12. Surf's Up - Part 1, stereo mix
NOVEMBER 11, 1966
13. Vege-Tables Chants - Brian Wilson and Friends
14. Vegetable Chant
15. Vegetable Chant - Takes 1-2, Mono Mix
16. Vegetable Chant - Takes 1-2, Stereo Mix 1
17. Vegetable Chant - Takes 1-2, Stereo Mix 2
18. Hal Blaine Vega-Tables Promo Session

CD 11:
1. Smog - Brian records a monologue, late 1966
2. Lifeboat Tape - late 1966
NOVEMBER 14, 1966
3. You Are My Sunshine - Part 1, Takes 1-3
4. You Are My Sunshine - Part 1, Take 4
5. You Are My Sunshine - Part 1, Takes 6-7
6. You Are My Sunshine - Part 1, Take 9
7. You Are My Sunshine - Part 1, Takes 10-11
8. You Are My Sunshine - part 1, Take 4 Mono Mix
9. You Are My Sunshine - False Barnyard Part 2, Take 1-2
10. You Are My Sunshine - False Barnyard Part 2, Take 3
11. You Are My Sunshine - False Barnyard Part 2, Take 4-7
12. You Are My Sunshine - False Barnyard Part 2, Take 14-15
13. You Are My Sunshine - Parts 1 & 2
NOVEMBER 16, 1966
14. Vege-Table Arguement - Radio Spot Rehearsals

CD 12:
NOVEMBER 28, 1966
1. Fire aka Mrs O'Leary's Cow - Take 1
2. Fire aka Mrs O'Leary's Cow - Take 2
3. Fire aka Mrs O'Leary's Cow - Takes 3-7
4. Fire aka Mrs O'Leary's Cow - Takes 8-11
5. Fire aka Mrs O'Leary's Cow - Tag Takes 11-12
6. Fire aka Mrs O'Leary's Cow - Tag Takes 15-18
7. The Elements - Fire - Sessions
8. Fire aka Mrs O'Leary's Cow - Track Assembly Stereo
9. Fire aka Mrs O'Leary's Cow - Sound Effects
10. Fire aka Mrs O'Leary's Cow - Sound Effects Overdub, Take 1
11. Fire aka Mrs O'Leary's Cow - Mono Mix
12. Fire aka Mrs. O'Leary's Cow - Linett 1988 Mono mix
13. Fire aka Mrs. O'Leary's Cow - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono mix
NOVEMBER 29, 1966
14. Jazz - I Wanna Be Around - Sessions
15. Workshop Sounds
16. I Wanna Be Around - Friday Night - Take 1
17. I Wanna Be Around - Friday Night - Take 2
18. I Wanna Be Around - Friday Night - Takes 6-10
19. I Wanna Be Around - Friday Night - Unedited Master Take
20. I Wanna Be Around - Friday Night - Stereo Track Assembly
21. I Wanna Be Around - Workshop - Linett 1988 Mono mix
22. I Wanna Be Around - Workshop - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono mix
NOVEMBER 30, 1966
23. The Old Master Painter - You Are My Sunshine - Part 1, mono mix
24. The Old Master Painter - You Are My Sunshine - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono mix
DECEMBER 1, 1966
25. Heroes & Villains - Sunny down snuff - rehearsals
26. Heroes & Villains - Sunny Down Snuff - B.G. vocals test
27. Heroes & Villains - Sunny down snuff - sessions
28. Heroes & Villains - Sunny Down Snuff - Stereo-Vocals
29. Heroes & Villains - Sunny Down Snuff - Final
DECEMBER 6, 1966
30. Child Is Father Of The Man - Chorus Vocal Overdub
31. Child Is Father Of The Man - Acetate 1 Mono Mix
32. Child Is Father Of The Man - Acetate 2 Mono Mix
33. Child Is Father Of The Man - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono mix
34. Cabin Essence - Verse Vocal Overdub
35. Cabin Essence - ‘Who Ran The Iron Horse' Chorus Vocal Overdub
36. Cabin Essence - Verse Chorus Overdubs
37. Cabin Essence - Verse Chorus Tag Vocal Overdub

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CD 13:
DECEMBER 13, 1966
1. Barnyard - Master Take Stereo
2. Barnyard - Mono Mix from Acetate
3. Barnyard - Acetate speed-corrected, Mono Mix
4. Barnyard - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono mix
DECEMBER 15, 1966
5. You're Welcome - Sessions
6. You're Welcome - Alternate Mono Mix
7. You're Welcome - Master Take Acetate Mono
8. You're Welcome - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono mix
9. You're Welcome - Linett-Boyd 2011 Stereo mix
10. Wonderful - Group vocal overdub master take, mono
11. Wonderful - Group vocal overdub mono mix
12. Surf's Up - Piano Demo take 1
13. Surf's Up - Take 1 Mark Linett 1993 Mono mix
14. Surf’s Up - Piano Demo, Take 1, 2011 Mono Mix
15. Surf's Up - Session Excerpt and Stereo Mix
DECEMBER 17, 1966
16. Surf's Up - CBS TV Inside Pop Performance
DECEMBER 19, 1966
17. Heroes & Villains - Intro - Unknown Take, mono
18. Heroes & Villains - 'Chimes' Intro, Unknown Take, mono
19. Heroes & Villains - 'Chimes' Intro, Early Version
DECEMBER 21, 1966
20. Do You Like Worms - Part 1-2, 1st vocal overdub
21. Do You Like Worms - Part 1-2, 2nd vocal overdub
22. Do You Like Worms - Part 3, 1st vocal overdub
23. Do You Like Worms - Part 3, 2nd vocal overdub
24. Do You Like Worms - Parts 1-3, 3rd Vocal Overdub
25. Do You Like Worms - Parts 1-3, Mono acetate
26. Do You Like Worms - Mono Mix Attempt 1
27. Do You Like Worms - Mono Mix Attempt 2
28. Do You Like Worms - Stereo Mix
29. Bicycle Rider - Mixing Session
30. Do You Like Worms - Linett 1988 Mono Mix
31. Do You Like Worms - Linett 1993 Mono Mix

CD 14:
1. Do You Like Worms - Roll Plymouth Rock - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono mix
DECEMBER 22, 1966
2. Da Da - Taped Piano Strings
3. Da Da - Fender Rhodes
4. Heroes & Villains - Verse Mono Mix from Acetate
DECEMBER 27, 1966
5. Cabin Essence - Tag 'Grand Coulee Dam' Vocal Overdub
6. Cabin Essence - Chorus Tag Vocal Overdub
7. Cabin Essence inc. 'Truck Drivin' Man' - 2nd Chorus Vocal Overdub
8. Cabin Essence - Mono Mix Attempt
9. Cabin Essence - Acetate 1
10. Cabin Essence - Acetate 2
11. Cabin Essence - Acetate 3
12. Smile Capitol Promo Advert Radio Spot
JANUARY 3, 1967
13. Heroes And Villains - Do A Lot Insert, Master Take
14. Heroes And Villains - Do A Lot Mono Insert
15. Heroes And Villains - Do A Lot Stereo Insert
16. Heroes And Villains - Bag Of Tricks Sessions
17. Heroes And Villains - Bag Of Tricks Take 1 Mono
18. Heroes And Villains - Bag Of Tricks Take 1 Stereo
19. Heroes And Villains - Mission Pak 'soul made beautiful' vocal session excerpt, mono
20. Heroes And Villains - Mission Pak Sessions
21. Heroes And Villains - Mission Pak 'soul made beautiful' mono mix
22. Heroes And Villains - ‘bridge to indians'-'pickup to 3rd verse' session, mono
23. Heroes And Villains - Bridge To Indians
24. Heroes And Villains - ‘bridge to indians'-'pickup to 3rd verse' mono mix
25. Heroes And Villains - tag to pt_ 1, 1st version, take 1 Stereo
26. Heroes And Villains - tag to pt_ 1, 1st version, 1st instrumental overdub on take 1, Mono
27. Heroes And Villains - tag to pt_ 1, 1st version, 2nd instrumental overdub on take 1, Mono
28. Heroes And Villains - tag to pt. 1, 2nd version
29. Heroes And Villains - Part 1 Tag
30. Heroes And Villains - Pickup To 3rd Verse
JANUARY 5, 1967
31. Bicycle Rider - 1st Vocal Overdub
32. Bicycle Rider - 2nd Vocal Overdub
33. Bicycle Rider - 3rd Vocal Overdub
34. Bicycle Rider - 4th Vocal Overdub
35. Bicycle Rider - 1st Mono Mix Acetate
36. Bicycle Rider - 2nd Mono Mix Acetate
37. Bicycle Rider - stereo mix
38. Do You Like Worms - Bicycle Rider Overdubs, Heroes And Villains - Part 2
JANUARY 9, 1967
39. Wonderful - Revised version, takes 1-3
40. Wonderful - Revised version, takes 6-8
41. Wonderful - Revised version, takes 16-18
42. Wonderful - Revised version, master take
43. Wonderful - Revised version, instrumental overdub
44. Wonderful - revised version, 1st vocal overdub attempt
45. Wonderful - ‘rock with me henry' revised version, 2nd vocal overdub attempt

CD 15:
1. Wonderful - Revised version, vocal insert rehearsals
2. Wonderful - Sessions, Version 2 Tag
3. Wonderful - subvocal insert Tag 1
4. Wonderful - subvocal insert Tag 2
5. Wonderful - Revised version, 1st vocal insert
6. Wonderful - Revised version, 2nd vocal insert
7. Wonderful - ‘Rock With Me Henry' Version 2
JANUARY 12, 1967
8. Dennis Wilson - I Don't Know - Sessions
9. Dennis Wilson - I Don't Know
JANUARY 25, 1967
10. Jasper Dailey - Teeter Totter Love - backing track
11. Jasper Dailey - Teeter Totter Love
JANUARY 27, 1967
12. Heroes And Villains - My Children Were Raised - Vocal Rehersals
13. Heroes And Villains - Children Were Raised - Sessions
14. Heroes And Villains - My Children Were Raised - Version 1 Vocals
15. Heroes And Villains - My Children Were Raised - Vocal Overdub, Take Unknown
16. Heroes And Villains - My Children Were Raised - Master Take Mono
17. Heroes And Villains - In The Cantina - Take 4
18. Heroes And Villains - In The Cantina - Unknown Take
19. Heroes And Villains - In the Cantina - Instrumental Take 12-15 Stereo Mix
20. Heroes And Villains - Part 2 - Cantina track
21. Heroes And Villains - Dum Dum Dum - Dumb Whistle Rehearsals Mono
22. Heroes And Villains - Dum Dum Dum - Dumb Whistle 1st Whistle overdub
23. Heroes And Villains - Dum Dum Dum - Dumb Whistle 2nd Whistle overdub
24. Heroes And Villains - Whistling Bridge
25. Heroes And Villains - In The Cantina - Mike's Vocal Overdub, Take 17
26. Heroes And Villains - In The Cantina - Take 17, Brian's Vocal Overdub
27. Heroes And Villains - In The Cantina - Take 17, Mono Mix
28. Heroes And Villains - Cantina
29. Heroes And Villains - All Day - Takes 1-2
30. Heroes And Villains - All Day - Takes 13-17
31. Heroes And Villains - All Day
32. Heroes And Villains - Mono Mix Attempt 1
33. Heroes And Villains - Mono Mix Attempt 2
34. Heroes And Villains - Mono Mix Attempt 3
35. Heroes And Villains - Verse Edit Experiment
FEBRUARY 10, 1967
36. Heroes And Villains - Test Mono Mix
37. Heroes and Villains - Part 1
38. The Old Master Painter - You Are My Sunshine Part 2, Master Take With Vocal Overdubs
39. The Old Master Painter - You Are My Sunshine Part 2, mono mix 'Barnshine'
40. The Old Master Painter - You Are My Sunshine Barnyard Fade, 'Barnshine' Alternate Mono Mix
41. The Old Master Painter - You Are My Sunshine Track Assembly incl. 'Barnshine'
42. The Old Master Painter - You Are My Sunshine False Barnyard Stereo mix
FEBRUARY 14, 1967
43. Little Red Book (14.02.67)

CD 16:
FEBRUARY 15, 1967
1. Heroes And Villains - western theme rehearsals Prelude To Fade unknown takes
2. Heroes And Villains - Prelude to Fade
3. Heroes And Villains - 'western theme' Prelude To Fade
FEBRUARY 16, 1967
4. Heroes And Villains - 'Piano Ditty' Part 2, takes 6-10
5. Heroes And Villains - Part 2 take 6, Stereo
6. Heroes And Villains - Piano Theme Part 2
FEBRUARY 20, 1966
7. Heroes And Villains - Part 2
8. Heroes And Villains - Part 2 Gee, takes 1-10
9. Heroes And Villains - Part 2 Gee, Master Take
10. Heroes And Villains - Part 2 Gee - 2011 Mix
11. Heroes And Villains - Hold On Take 8, Piano Track
12. Heroes And Villains - Part 2 Revised 'Hold On'
13. Heroes And Villains - Part 2 Revised Master Take
14. Heroes And Villains - Part 2 Revised 'Hold On' Take 8 Vocal Overdub Take 14, Stereo
15. Heroes And Villains - Swedish Frog - Animals
16. Heroes And Villains - Swedish Frog Part 3 Variations Unknown take, Mono
17. Heroes And Villains - Part 3 (Animals 'Swedish Frog' - Stereo Master Take
18. Heroes And Villains - Part 4, Takes 1-10
19. Heroes And Villains - Part 4
20. Heroes And Villains - Part 4 - Vocal Overdub
21. Heroes And Villains - Part 4 Variations, Mono mix
22. Heroes And Villains - Smiley Chorus Part 2 chorus, take 6
23. Heroes And Villains - Part 2, revised version mono mix attempt, mono
24. Heroes And Villains - Part 2 version 2 take 10 test mix
FEBRUARY 27, 1967
25. Heroes And Villains - Part Two Master Take
FEBRUARY 28, 1867
26. Heroes And Villains - Fade Re-Record session, unknown takes
27. Heroes And Villains - Fade Re-Record take 5
28. Heroes And Villains - Fade Re-Record
29. Heroes and Villains - Part 2
30. Heroes And Villains - Early Version Outtake Sections

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CD 17:
MARCH 3, 1967
1. Heroes And Villains - Verse Remake
2. Heroes And Villains - Intro (van dykes organ rehearsals, mono
3. Heroes And Villains - Intro (piano & organ rehearsals
4. Heroes And Villains - Intro (piano & organ rehearsals
5. Heroes And Villains - Intro (early unknown take
6. Heroes And Villains - Intro (with 1st whistle overdub
7. Heroes And Villains - Intro (with 2nd whistle overdub
8. Heroes and Villains - Intro, Stereo Mix
9. Heroes and Villains - Intro, Mono Mix
10. Heroes And Villains - Organ Waltz - Intro
MARCH 1967
11. Tones AKA Tune X - Unknown Take
12. Tones AKA Tune X - Mixing Session
13. Tones AKA Tune X - Instrumental Overdub Mono
14. Tones AKA Tune X - Instrumental Overdub Stereo
15. Vega-Tables - A cappella tag, mono mix
APRIL 4, 1967
16. Vega-Tables - Verse, Piano Track
17. Vege-Tables - Verse, Master Take Track
18. Vega-Tables - Verse, Vocal Overdub
19. Vega-Tables - Verse, Vocal Overdub Attempt
APRIL 5, 1967
20. Vega-Tables - Verse, 1st Instrumental & Vocal Overdub Attempt
21. Vega-Tables - Verse, 2nd Instrumental & Vocal Overdub Attempt
22. Vega-Tables - Verse, 3rd Instrumental & Vocal Overdub Attempt
APRIL 6, 1967
23. Vega-Tables - Verse, 1st Vocal Overdub Attempt
24. Vega-Tables - Verse, 2nd Vocal Overdub Attempt
25. Vega-Tables - Verse, 3rd Vocal Overdub Attempt
26. Vega-Tables - Verse, 4th Vocal Overdub Attempt
APRIL 7, 1967
27. Vega-Tables - Verse, Instrumental Insert Takes 1-8
28. Vega-Tables - Verse, Vocal Insert Rehearsals
29. Vega-Tables - Verse, Mono Mix Rehearsals
APRIL 10, 1967
30. Vega-Tables - Chomping Sounds
31. Vega-Tables - Sleep A Lot - Chorus, Sessions
32. Vega-Tables - Chorus, Take Unknown
33. Vega-Tables - Chorus, 1st Vocal Overdub
34. Vega-Tables - Chorus, 2nd Vocal Overdub
35. Vega-Tables - Chorus 1 - Master Take
36. Vega-Tables - Chorus, Mono Mix
37. Wonderful - take 1
38. Wonderful - takes 4-5
39. Wonderful - vocal overdub attempts re-recorded
40. Wonderful - vocal & instrumental overdubs
41. Wonderful - Version 3
42. Child Is Father Of The Man - Unknown Take
43. Child Is Father Of The Man - Vocal Overdub as part of the track Stereo
44. Child Is Father Of The Man - Mono Mix

CD 18:
APRIL 12, 1967
1. Vega-Tables - Fade Sessions
2. Vega-Tables - Fade Sessions, 2nd Source
3. Vega-Tables - Fade, Take 12
4. Vega-Tables - Fade, 1st Vocal Overdub
5. Vega-Tables - Fade, 2nd Vocal Overdub
6. Vega-Tables - Fade, Mono Mix 1st Source
7. Vega-Tables - Fade Mono Mix 2nd Source
8. Vega-Tables - Various Mix Rehearsals, Mono
APRIL 14, 1967
9. Vega-Tables - 2nd Chorus, Revised Track Rehearsal
10. Vega-Tables - 2nd Chorus, 1st Vocal Overdub
11. Vega-Tables - 2nd Chorus, 2nd Vocal Overdub
12. Vega-Tables - 2nd Chorus, 3rd Vocal Overdub
13. Vega-Tables - 2nd Chorus, 4th Vocal Overdub
14. Vega-Tables - 2nd Chorus, Master Take Track & Back Vocals
15. Vega-Tables - April Assembly, Mono
16. Vega-Tables - Ballad Insert Sessions
17. Vega-Tables - Ballad Insert - Part 4, Master Take
18. Vega-Tables - Linett 1988 Mono Mix from Acetate
19. Vega-Tables - Linett 1993 Mono Mix
20. Vega-Tables - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono mix
21. Vega-Tables - Stereo Mix
MAY 16, 1967
22. I Love to Say Da Da - Part 1, Take 9
23. I Love To Say Da Da - Part 1, Sessions
MAY 17, 1967
24. I Love to Say Da Da - Part 2, Take 2
25. I Love to Say Da Da - Part 2, Take 3
26. I Love to Say Da Da - Part 2, Take 4
27. I Love To Say Da Da - Part 2, Sessions
28. I Love To Say Da Da - Part 2, Master Take
29. I Love to Say Da Da - Part 2, 1st Vocal Overdub
30. I Love to Say Da Da - Part 2, 2nd Vocal Overdub
31. I Love to Say Da Da - Mono Mix
32. I Love To Say Da Da - Part 2 - Second Day Sessions
33. I Love to Say Da Da - Revised Version, Take 1
34. I Love to Say Da Da - Revised Version, Take 2
35. I Love To Say Da Da - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mix

CD 19:
1. 'Smile' - Backing Vocals Montage
JUNE 6, 1967
2. With Me Tonight - Fast Version Session Takes 11-12
3. With Me Tonight - acetate
4. With Me Tonight - Vege version, Take 13
5. With Me Tonight - Slow Version Vocal Session
6. With Me Tonight - Sessions
7. With Me Tonight - Fast Version Stereo Mix
8. With Me Tonight - Slow Version Stereo Mix
9. With Me Tonight - Linett 2000 Stereo mix
JUNE 7, 1967
10. Cool, Cool Water - Version 1
JUNE 13, 1967
11. Heroes And Villains - Verse, 1st Vocal Overdub
12. Heroes And Villains - Verse, 2nd Vocal Overdub
13. Heroes And Villains - Verse, 3rd Vocal Overdub
14. Heroes And Villains - Verse, 4th Vocal Overdub
15. Heroes And Villains - Verse backing vocal overdub, stereo
16. Heroes and Villains - Verse, organ overdub, stereo
17. Heroes And Villains - Verse, 5th Vocal Overdub
18. Heroes And Villains - Test Edit, Stereo
19. Heroes And Villains - Verse, Mono Mix
20. Heroes And Villains - Verse, Stereo Mix
JUNE 14, 1967
21. Heroes And Villains - Chorus, Vocals Overdub
22. Heroes And Villains - Barbershop Sessions
23. Heroes And Villains - Barbershop Vocal Sessions & Overdubs
24. Heroes And Villains - Barbershop Vocal Sessions
25. Heroes And Villains - Children Were Raised Remake Session
26. Heroes And Villains - Children Were Raised Master Take Overdubs Mix
27. Heroes And Villains - Children Were Raised Master Take A Capella
28. Heroes And Villains - Children Were Raised version 2, Vocal Overdub
29. Heroes And Villains - Sections Stereo Mix

CD 20:
1. Heroes And Villains - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono mix
2. Heroes And Villains - Linett-Boyd 2011 Stereo Mix
JUNE 3-15, 1967
3. Vegetables - bass rehearsal
4. Vegetables - bass track
5. Vegetables - bass & piano track
6. Vegetables - 1st vocal overdub
7. Vegetables - 2nd vocal overdub
8. Vegetables - instrumental insert
9. Vegatables - Stereo Mix
JUNE 28, 1967
10. Little Pad - Stereo Mix
JUNE 29, 1967
11. Full Breaks and Back to Winter - Unknown Take, Stereo Inst. Session
12. Fall Breaks & Back To Winter - Alternate Stereo
13. Fall Breaks And Back To Winter aka W. Woodpecker Symphony - Stereo Mix
JUNE 30, 1967
14. With Me Tonight - vocal rehearsals intro
15. With Me Tonight - vocal overdub intro
16. With Me Tonight - Excerpt
17. With Me Tonight
18. With Me Tonight - Stereo Mix
19. With Me Tonight - Stereo Mix 1
20. With Me Tonight - Stereo Mix 2
JULY 5, 1967
21. She's Goin' Bald - section 1, take 1
22. She's Goin' Bald - section 1, backing track
23. She's Goin' Bald - section 1. 1st vocal overdub
24. She's Goin' Bald - section 1, 2nd vocal overdub
25. She's Goin' Bald - section 1, studio mix
26. She's Goin' Bald - section 2, take 1
27. She's Goin' Bald - section 2, take 2
28. She's Goin' Bald - section 3, takes 1-2
29. She's Goin' Bald - section 3, backing track
30. She's Goin' Bald - section 3, 1st vocal overdub
31. She's Goin' Bald - section 3, 2nd vocal overdub
32. She's Going Bald - Stereo Mix
JULY 10-11, 1967
33. Wind Chimes - takes 1-2
34. Wind Chimes - vocal overdub attempt
35. Wind Chimes - vocal overdub attempt
36. Wind Chimes - instrumental insert
37. Wind Chimes - instrumental insert
38. Wind Chimes - insert take 2
39. Wind Chimes - vocal inserts

CD 21:
1. Wind Chimes - vocal rehearsals fade sequence
2. Wind Chimes - vocal rehearsals fade sequence
3. Wind Chimes - fade sequence takes 1-3
4. Wind Chimes - fade sequence take 11
5. Wind Chimes - Stereo Mix
JULY 12, 1967
6. Wonderful - 1st vocal overdub
7. Wonderful - 2nd vocal overdub
8. Wonderful - Stereo Mix
JULY 13, 1967
9. Whistle In - Stereo Mix
JULY 14, 1967
10. Getting Hungry - rehearsals
11. Getting Hungry - takes 1 & 2
12. Getting Hungry - vocal overdubs
13. Getting Hungry - vocal & instrumental overdub
14. Gettin' Hungry - Stereo Mix
15. Brian Wilson Radio Interview - Smiley Smile Album
JULY 24, 1967
16. Heroes And Villians - SP
17. You're Welcome - SP

18. BONUS - Surf’s Up 1967 - Solo version, October 1967
19. BONUS - Cool, Cool Water - Version 2, October 26, 1967
20. BONUS - Cabin Essence - Mono Mix, November 20, 1968
21. BONUS - Cabin Essence - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono mix, November 20, 1968
22. BONUS - Surf’s Up - Linett-Boyd 2011 Mono mix, June 18, 1971

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