1978 World Tour
A CS production, September 2013
1. Repossession Blues - February 24
2. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue - July 6
3. I Threw It All Away - February 24
4. We Better Talk This Over - December 10
5. Tangled Up In Blue - June 7
6. I Don't Believe You - June 7
7. True Love Tends To Forget - July 8
8. Coming From The Heart - October 31
9. Am I Your Stepchild - December 9
10. Senor - December 10
11. If You See Her, Say Hello - February 24
12. The Man In Me - July 6
13. One Of Us Must Know - July 7
14. You're A Big Girl Now - February 24
15. Do Right To Me, Baby - December 16
16. Girl From The North Country - December 10
17. Changing Of The Guards - December 10
Biographical details aside, 1978 was a fascinating year for Dylan's art, as he released a loud, brassy record full of mysticism and imagery while touring the world performing some of the most radical rearrangements of his back catalog. Surely, it's a lot to take in.
Unfortunately, the tapes from this era are inconsistent in quality, due to the technical limitations of the time. The complexity of the arrangements were ill-suited even to the studio process for Street Legal, so it is not surprising that the enterprising bootleggers of 1978 were able to capture the mystery and majesty, but not always the subtlety of these rapturous concerts. Some tapes stand out, however, as the cream of the crop - these are a stronger document than even the contemporary release of Dylan's 'At Budokan.' I'm speaking of tapes like Charlotte, Tokyo, Paris, Columbia, and more. Without these brilliant tapers, who but those in attendance could have heard the passionate 'Coming From The Heart' from October 31, or this dramatic 'Tangled Up In Blue' from June 7? Please bear in mind that this compliation focuses on the cleanest tapes of '78, so some brilliant performances on muddier recordings have been omitted.
Though the tour has its detractors, and fits somewhat uncomfortably between the fire of the Rolling Thunder Revue and the brimstone of the Gospel Tours, there is brilliance to be found here. I set out to make a companion to 'At Budokan' that would round out the year's best performances of songs not included on that release. This CD has what I would consider to be the definitive 'Man in Me' and 'Changing of the Guards.' Also, 'Do Right To Me, Baby' appears here, the first performance of a Gospel-era song. Change was in the air at Dylan's December shows in 1978, and this song points toward the years to come. I wanted to get these and more songs down in one place for the newcomer to Bob Dylan's live bootlegs. Hopefully the veterans will find something of merit here as well.
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