Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 5:03 pm

Alleged unreleased Beatles album from 1969
The Lazenby's reconstruction
1. Maxwell's Silver Hammer - assembled of three aborted attempts
2. Don't Let Me Down
3. Hot As Sun - extended version
4. Junk - mono remix of the McCartney version
5. Polythene Pam
6. Octopus's Garden - Ringo remake
7. I Should Like To Live Up A Tree - Lennon improvisation
8. Zero Is Just Another Even Number
9. What's The New Mary Jane - unreleased single take
10. Dirty Old Man - better known as Mean Mr. Mustard
11. Proud As You Are - Paul's improvisation
12.Watching Rainbows
13. My Kind Of Girl - Abbey Road-era cover
14. Suicide - complete piano demo
15. You Know My Name - the single version
16. Because - remix of Abbey Road version
17. Across The Universe - remix of Past Masters version
18. Lullaby For A Lazy Day - outfake
19. Have You Heard The Word - outfake
20. Madman - unreleased Lennon track
21. One After 909 - re-edit
22. Oh! I Had A Dream - prototype of I Want You
23. Four Knights In Moscow - phony title for Ringo's Early 1970
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