Rainbow Theatre, Finsbury Park, London
February 20, 1972
Conceived, produced and released by WRomanus & }{eywood
1. Heart Beat Intro (complete)
2. Breathe
3. The Travel Sequence
4. Time (complete)
5. Home Again
6. The Mortality Sequence
7. Money (speed corrected)
8. Us and Them (complete - sc)
9. Dave's Scat Section
10. The Lunatic Song
11. Eclipsed (complete)
This release upgrades, restores and completes the content of the original LP version of The Best of Tour 72 only, primarily for those older collectors who have had it for many years.
-Sources and Assembling- by }{eywood
I assembled this with multiple master tapes provided to me by WRomanus.
As far as it goes this is the most complete this album is going to get.
The abbreviations for the master tapes are as follows:
BOT72 = Best Of Tour 72. 1st pressing pristine vinyl.
MC = Master Clone - A Copy of the Master (?) of what I believe to be taper 2. Not that tonally brilliant, but a good clean recording.
JB = 1st gen incomplete source of 20th Feb recorded by John Baxter, provided to us by LordSnooty.
I used NR and hiss reduction sparingly, mostly to get the patches to sound as clean as the main album material.
I stereo spatialized everything not from Best Of Tour 72 so it would sound more like that does.
The BOT72 (and all subsequent versions) slows down gradually during the second half of Money and continues until the break in Us and Them where the piece is missing. I speed corrected this.
Heart Beat Intro, the bulk of Us And Them and the ending of Eclipse are from JB.
I filled the missing portion in Time with MC.
WRomanus & }{eywood - Roma and Lockport, 16 April 2009
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