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PINK FLOYD - Dallas 1972

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 4:40 pm
by admin

McFarlin Auditorium, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX
September 10, 1972
Marbal's Maxell 3rd generation cassette

CD 1:
1. The Great Gig In The Sky (missing intro)
2. Money
3. Us & Them
4. Any Colour You Like
5. Brain Damage
6. Eclipse

CD 2:
1. One Of These Days
2. Careful With That Axe, Eugene
3. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
4. Echoes

Great upgrade over the T and MoLM releases, forget the distortions and turbulences from previous releases, this sounds really good. Apart for some ocasional skips here and there, the only portion missing is like 40 seconds of Brain Damage - same cut as on the previous releases. Speed seems to be right (older releases run slower). -gbc

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