MEGA servers make quite a lot of CRC errors in DVDs

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MEGA servers make quite a lot of CRC errors in DVDs

Post by zaval80 » Sun Dec 17, 2017 12:42 am

I stumbled on this accidentally - it looks like DVD titles are prone to CRC errors. (More than a half of my recent downloads!) It seems the files download OK, but when the content is unpacked, there will be errors. In the past, when I used JDownloader, it checked the goods by unpacking automatically. Now I have to use MegaDownloader, and this option is not the default one for this software.

I unpack the content in RAR in order to know the numbers of faulty parts (my 7-Zip does not give out this information). Then I download these parts anew. The trick is, some of re-downloaded faulty parts may be OK, while some are identical, so it's re-downloading time again. (I compare the replacements against the faulties by the "Synchronising directories" option in "Total Commander" software.)

Moral: make sure to check the valuables by unpacking, esp. DVDs.

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Re: MEGA servers make quite a lot of CRC errors in DVDs

Post by admin » Sun Dec 17, 2017 1:26 am

I check that all the time by opening with Unarchiver and it worked OK to me, if the parts were downloaded properly.

Still, if the problem continues I could send to you (or anyone else) via WeTransfer.

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Re: MEGA servers make quite a lot of CRC errors in DVDs

Post by zaval80 » Sun Dec 17, 2017 11:13 am

For example, there were problems with most of David Bowie and Kate Bush DVD titles recently, while those of Van Morrison downloaded perfectly (I was thinking, was the number of errors an indication of a problem with my software/machine, but with this information in mind, obviously not). I have no idea if a CRC error in download means an indication the file may go dead later on - if I am able to re-download and unpack, that's OK for me.

Robert - thank you very much for doing what you do. I think it makes sense for me and us all to bother you as little as possible about replacements, as long as faulty files can be re-downloaded OK. Yes I think there will be quite a number of replacement pleas in the forthcoming days.

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Re: MEGA servers make quite a lot of CRC errors in DVDs

Post by zaval80 » Sun Dec 17, 2017 8:15 pm

I just found it's possible that, after I've re-downloaded the files which RAR software found to be faulty and replaced them, the DVD still does not unpack correctly, but - RAR software points at some other file, which it thought to be good the first time around - weird, yes? (Maybe I find this weird because I try to unpack with 7-Zip instead of some more specialized software like Robert has suggested in his answer, or maybe that's how these CRC thingies go.) Well, it looks like I am able to unpack, after all, at least certain titles.

And if it's down to a faulty file which returns the same, even after several days, then it's time to ask Robert for his kind help.

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