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FAIRPORT CONVENTION featuring Sandy Denny & Martin Carthy - John Lee, The Man They Couldn't Hang

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 2:44 pm
by admin
Second House, BBC, February 1, 1975
Soundtrack of long lost TV play based on John Lee album
Rare recording assambled from two sources

1. Instrumental Theme
2. Introduction
3. I Was 16 Now
4. John lee
5. The Mysterious Stranger - instrumental
6. Breakfast In Mayfair
7. Broadside ballad - Martin Carthy
8. Instrumental Theme (reprise)
9. Cell Song (part 1) - Sandy Denny
10. The Time Is Near
11. (John Lee's) Dream
12. Exeter Jail - Martin Carthy
13. Cell Song (part 2)
14. Fiddle Theme
15. Cell Song - Instrumental Theme
16. (Farewell To A) Poor Man's Son

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