The Sotheby Tapes plus Studio Center Studios, New York City, March 13, 1968
Excellent quality
1. Wait Until Tomorrow
2. Ain't No Telling
3. Castles Made Of Sand
4. One Rainy Wish
5. Spanish Castle Magic
6. Jazz Jimi Jazz
7. Electric Ladyland
8. South Saturn Delta
9. Electric Ladyland
10. Little One II
11. EXP
12. Up From The Skies
13. She's So Fine
14. Somewhere
15. Bold As Love
16. Little Miss Strange
17. 1983...A Merman I Should Turn To Be
18. Bold As Love II
All relevant informations on ATM series and Hendrix bootlegs, including detailed tracklists, on Hans-Peter Johnsen's In From The Storm site:
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