Mikesline cassette remastered by PR
Disc 1:
1. Studio chatter
2. Drifting alt mix
3. Night Bird - instrumental fragment 1
4. Night Bird - instrumental 2
5. Night Bird
6. Night Bird - instrumental 4
7. Night Bird - with vocals 5
8. Night Bird - instrumental 6
9. Night Bird - instrumental 7
10. Dolly Dagger
11. Freedom - with piano
12. Freedom - instrumental 2
13. Freedom - lead guitar alternate 3
14. Studio chatter fragment girl
15. Freedom - 4
16. Instrumetal - guitar fragment
17. Drifting - chatter bkgrd 1
18. Drifting - backwards 2
19. Drifting - chatter Jimi 3
20. Instrumental Jimi chatter
21. Drifting - backwards with vocals
Disc 2:
1. Drifting - alternative 1
2. Drifting - alternative 2
3. Drifting - instrumental
4. Instumental - guitar fragment 2
5. Instumental - guitar fragment 3
6. Drifting - alternative 3
7. Drifting - instrumental chatter
8. Tuning / Drifting fragment / Instrumental fragment
9. Drifting - alternative 4
10. Drifting - alternative 5
11. Studio chatter
12. Drifting - altative 6
13. Gypsy Boy
14. Machine Gun
15. Had To Cry Today Instrumental
16. Drifting - instrumental 2
The same material circulated under different titles, so there is nothing new to the hard-core collectors, although the compilation is very good and the sound quality is huge upgrade to the previous versions.
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