Recently discovered complete soundboards from 1968
Liberated Mid Valley bootleg
October 4, 1968
CD 1 - Oakland Coliseum, Oakland, CA - October 4, 1968:
1. White Room
2. Politician
3. Crodssroads
4. Sunshine of Your Love
5. Spoonfull
6. Deserted Citied of the Heart
7. Passing the Time
8. I'm So Glad
Code: Select all
1. White Room
2. Politician
3. I'm So Glad
4. Sitting On Top of the World
5. Crossroads
6. Sunshine of your Love
7. Train Time
8. Toad
9. Spoonful
Code: Select all
1. White Room
2. Politician
3. I'm So Glad
4. Sitting on Top of the World
5. Sunshine of your Love
6. Crossroads
7. Train Time
8. Toad
9. Spoonfull
Code: Select all
1. Introduction
2. White Room
3. Politician
4. I'm So Glad
5. Sitting On Top of the World
6. Crossroads
7. Toad
8. Spoonful
9. Sunshune of Your Love
10. Stepping Out
Code: Select all