Pepperland Auditorium, San Rafael, CA
October 16, 1970
MQR releases this in memory of Rolf Ossenberg
Disc One:
1. Astronomy Domine (1 st Attempt - Tune Up)
2. Astronomy Domine (2nd Attempt - Tune Up)
3. Astronomy Domine (3rd Attempt - Tune Up)
4. Astronomy Domine (4th Attempt)
5. Tune Up
6. Fat Old Sun
7. Tune Up
8. Cymbaline
9. Tune Up
10. Atom Heart Mother
Disc Two:
1. Tune Up
2. The Embryo
3. Announcement - Tune Up
4. Green Is the Colour
5. Careful with that Axe, Eugene
6. Tune Up
7. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
8. Tune Up
9. A Saucerful of Secrets
A 50 Hz hum that probably appeared with the transferring process was taken away very carefully. A little EQ was done to give the recording a bit more body. Rolf furtherly agreed to MQR making a remastered release from this but it was his wish to release that (almost) raw one himself first.
This remaster uses that same transfer. The 50 Hz de-humming was redone with iRX2. The recording was then EQ'ed and a 1st run of Noise Reduction was done with iRX2. A 2nd Noise Reduction run was applied later. Some kind of noise "popping up" around sharp transients is audible throughout the show. A hiss that only appears in conjunction with an audible sound; when there's no sound there's no hiss. This was particularly noticeable during the spoken intros. For this reason the whole project was restarted from scratch. Although the result of the 2nd attempt is way better sounding, we were not able to remove that popping noise entirely. As it appeared independently of the NR settings, we suspect it to have been in the source material but buried in the hiss. After that WRomanus manually removed clicks, pops, shits and some coughs for a more pleasant listening with iRX2.
The final master was then done by creamcheese applying another slight EQ, balancing the stereo image in collaboration with WRomanus and removing some phase issues on the bass range of the recording. A little pressure was added applying very gentle multiband
MQR - Magna Qualitas Records
Released on 17 December 2013
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